26 September 2006

Adult games

The noises that he made were quite amazing,
rather like a train accelerating from a station
under heavy load; he huffed and groaned
and chuffed and snuffed with fierce intensity
while building steam and heat, the piston that he
drove went in and out alright in metronomic beat
as he settled in his task, an artful task of making love
although without the charming sounds she could relate
or intimate debate. And as his hairy bum rebounded
in the mirror of their night of mutual lust, described
in action as a trite and comic act, delightful as it was,
it roused innate hilarity; she laughed so loud he opened
up his eyes surprised she found his efforts were
distracting. He later said he’d had to cease because
his concentration was impaired, declared she’d joggled
when he jiggled, sniggered when he quivered, shivered
when he would explode before she’d got that far along
the road beyond the point of no return.
When asked he said he wouldn’t yearn to
play these adult games her way again.
© I.D. Carswell

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