So whaddya want for your birthday - apart
from breakfast in bed & coffee brewed that
special way, selflessness pledged in things
practically available excepting if we’d need
insurance against misadventure? It means
a Bulcock Beach stroll with fish-and-chips
for lunch earns first place - though I guess
Kings, Shelly & Moffat may well disagree
pleasures lie-ins once entailed, of engaging
revival - of hailed legendary feats of passion
(like one-handed reading) with the aura of
deliciously buzzing expectation - or a less
complicated engagement tete a tete
heights, with structural feints to store ideas
against a future hazy with ‘ifs and maybes’,
all this painted onto canvases of vast scale
and solidity to keep our love’s colours alive
in amazing vibrancy with simple scenes
say complement your gentler age - inviting
new expressions of who & what matters in
moon’s phase shows and argent astrology -
or reminding me just what is so portentous
about Tuesday 19 which I needed to know
© 12 November 2013, I. D. Carswell
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