18 October 2014


Great friendship lasts beyond amend’s pale - it is 
intimacies only true form of familiarity - but, sadly 
where its benefice ends is that tragical beginning 
of anomie. And here it is the case, you’ve cast all 
pretence of it aside like a reckoning will never be, 
for grace of continued affinity won’t dissuade you 
desiring larger space, that you claim lost against 
induced distaste inimical to connubial efficacy 

It is an overwhelming indictment - measured in a 
manner where what you achieve supersedes any 
matrix of generous rapport, too much liability you 
are heard to digress, and for what it furnishes I’d 
best be freed its omnipresence; you’ve flown the 
coup for a song without words sung where solo 

Voices assure peace of mind, no less a dirge for 
friendship’s quivering death; pardon me in being 
bereft please - ours was a friendship sublime - if 
only in my mind, yet it grew into a partnership of 
consideration you traded as if there never was a 
mutual dependancy clear from whence it came 

C’est la vie I’m supposed to say, while worrying 
what’s become of a person who befriended me 
until her need faded - and then flew away … 

© 2 October 2014, I. D. Carswell

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