Been down th’ gourmet route for the dogs again,
if there’s any shame in it they would probably let
me know their way - a paw on the knee - an eye
to eye gaze, that furtive woof; and the new lady,
named Massey by the way, doesn’t have a view
on taste like Podge professes, although she’s a
far more enthused appreciator; better that she’s
the one who says, woof - its OK - gimme more
Podge grudgingly graces my efforts, when its a
clean plate you’re a on winner but with abilities
like his you’d need it in writing - he’s an expert
at cadging the crust from your toast, delighting
in its visceral consumption - leaving nothing to
imagination; - so we’ll host a tasting and see
© 19 May 2015, I. D. Carswell
Apparently it is okay - Podge had to be coaxed
out from under the bed to test it, but a blend of
pet mince, ground beef and mixed veg cooked
with gravy mix is on the right road …
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