15 August 2015

Baroque View

Well, we survived Easter - bit of an anti-climax if you 
ask me, but then I’ve been listening to argy-bargy on 
Indonesian Law; it is hard to disagree that what they 
claim’s a contemporary legal process would be seen 
as ‘anarchic’ anywhere else - which it is, and despite 
eruditely pointing it out there’s an inane stonewall of 
non-comprehensive rectitude - which is an attitude-
Indonesia we’ve had to live with or go bite th’ bullet 

At least for two convicted Australian drug smugglers 
there’s irony in thus facing a firing squad; guilty of a 
‘petty’ naivety rather than a malignant crime against 
humanity and reformed out of all recognition to their 
former selves, they’re victims of malaise so notably 
Indonesian in origin its ignored by its own Judiciary 

Clemency isn’t a signal of weakness - it means the 
idea of humanity comes first; to refuse to grant it in 
a humane case redefines retrogressiveness as the 
way of normal ‘Indonesian behaviour’ under media 
scrutiny; they cannot give a hint to whom and what 
their baroque view of sovereignty really means 

© 7 April 2015, I. D. Carswell

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