Yeah, been a hard few days - like here we are
dealing with weather effects; it is not always a
case of too much or little - sometimes what’s in
between the worst’s less appealing; mozzies ‘n
midges for instance, spent hours easing itching,
it wouldn’t be a concern normally, there’s ‘deet’
to rub on or spray before th’ deed but mortien’s
an excuse after you’d been bitten disgracefully
Or is it savaged virtually; then the situation of a
bathroom ceiling collapsing, & that’s a bitch on
a weekday before Easter; dammit you say - the
rain’s eased, there’s no justice, we are going to
appeal - but you clean up the yucky mess as a
dutiful non-believer - and plan its resurrection
It’s now Easter Monday, our Family’s lent us a
benevolently magnanimous hand; - we’ve got
it back in place - risen from th’ dead you could
say - lots of fuss in balancing acts with screws
& glue while dancing on trestles and ladders -
but better than viewing a termite devastation's
graphic nudity effects - its a mortification from
the left field - yet we’re blessed a success in
ceiling restoration - & thus can rest in peace
© 6 April 2015, I. D. Carswell
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