Wanting the cows to graze the laneway takes
patience, they are pragmatist as any who see
grass as their realistic reward, but open gates
don’t necessarily mean congenial opportunity;
making the obvious change with good intent’s
not the same to them as seeing an agreeable
pasture just beyond the fence, and even then
someone casually needs to lead the way
So we wait patiently; one, then two make the
connection between laneway & good grazing -
but the rest stay where they’re accustomed &
chew cud with bovine placidity; it may well be
another day or two before the grazing routine
grows into the laneway & beyond we think; &
Maybe we’ll need inform the dogs to be a lot
more tolerant - like, just leave them be
© 23 April 2015, I. D. Carswell
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