Still battling vestiges of aggrieved memory - with no
reason to be piqued it says, dust settled an age ago
and we moved on to where the real reason became
indefensibly clear; you’d had too many wins to be in
the same league - so hey, quit grousing about that -
claiming you’re a battler doesn’t really equate to the
actual arena we were engaged in, all that posturing
melodramatically suggests it was a theatrical stage
But it wasn’t the real me being judged by a biassed
& clearly disaffected audience - who hadn’t paid for
the watching privilege anyway; they had ‘absented’
themselves in a search for truth without the crunch
of being relevant to it, deeming in their malcontent
shadows all of these motes were their own ideas
I am not too crazy nor timid to guess where those
ideas originated first place; look who was making
statements & dancing the dance of entertainment,
a mite too innovatively - & look who was sneering,
bodaciously contemporaneous within their coterie
of he’s not one of us, is he, usury condemnation
© 26 February 2015, I. D. Carswell
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