It has been an event-filled few days; could have
said eventful, but demurred - a trite observation,
indeed it wasn’t lively to the letter - banal says it
better as it might easily have been disastrous; &
it is in a way - the end-point suggests no ‘peace’
exists at The Creek from this day henceforth; so
what the Hell happened you’re going to ask - all
discourse slumping into an animate suspense
Not much is the reply - just tweaked a few odds
& ends in our non-functional satellite broadband
connection, and - voila, suddenly we could ‘see’
an anonymous www hitherto hidden behind the
jargonist technical innuendo implying we ‘need’
an expert to get that connection up & running
Well bully for me - naive to the crudest letter of
idiomatic surmise - and denying the view which
said you knew what you were doing - maybe in
an abstract sense, but any physicality involved
in cabling connected directly to my iMac made
more sense than its IP-confused wi-fi wizardry
72 hours later we’re still database-updating - &
slowly isn’t a misused catch-phrase - satellite’s
make you pay for speed - but the amazing feat
was managing to get our wi-fi network connect
back in ‘’, and happily divested of the
framework’s unsavoury cabling mess
© 27 April 2015, I. D. Carswell
Recording the ANZAC weekend saga of getting our
home computing network peripherals re-connected,
in free communication with each other & operating
efficiently on line again - after a three month lapse …
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